Thomas Carpenter

our passion for sustainable travel

Thomas Carpenter
our passion for sustainable travel

Today is Earth Day, and what better excuse to put up a blog post about sustainable travel, and how we’ve adopted it as a core value of our business!

If you’ve booked a trip with us, we’ve probably talked to you about what sustainability means to us. We’re passionate about travel, but we’re also passionate about protecting the communities, the cultures and the places our clients visit. Sustainability, for us, is more than just protecting the environment. It’s also about finding ways to do good when we travel — so that we can preserve and protect local cultures. We want to ensure that children aren’t exploited and that animals aren’t mistreated when we book an experience for our clients. Our best supplier partners work with us to make money that our clients spend on their travel benefits the economies of the communities they visit.

And, of course, we partner with supplier partners to protect the planet. But our commitment to preserving the environment goes way beyond eliminating single-use plastics, and booking clients in self-proclaimed eco-lodges.

When you book travel with Huckleberry Travel, we use a portion of our fee to calculate the carbon impact of your trip, and we purchase a carbon offset for your travels. That doesn’t mean that your travel isn’t having an impact on the environment, but it does mean that we’re mitigating the damage by funding a project somewhere else in the world that will reduce the amount of carbon in the environment.

Why? Because we love travel so much, that we want to make sure that the places we send our clients are protected for future generations of travel. That’s why.

Want to take an incredible trip? Huckleberry Travel can put together the trip of a lifetime that includes tons of unique experiences you might otherwise miss.  Contact us for more information about our travel consultation services.