Thomas Carpenter

year in review '21

Thomas Carpenter
year in review '21

When we did our re-cap last year, we had the difficult task of trying to figure out how to calculate our stats in a year where travel ground to a halt. We had hopes that this year would be better, and it definitely was, to some extent. But it’s also a little bit difficult for us to track our clients’ travels, statistically, since so much of the world remained closed to US travelers.

So, in a nutshell — 2021 was weird.

Still, we have some takeaways:

  • As people got vaccinated, travel resumed, in a big way. our clients traveled to all sorts of far-flung places, and we booked a lot of close-to-home trips.

  • None of our clients went to Australia, New Zealand or Asia, which are all mostly closed to US Travelers. But we sent people to lots of other places, including far-flung Patagonia. And we traveled ourselves to Africa, Europe, and Mexico and the Caribbean.

  • Cruising resumed, and while the Omicron Variant presented some challenges, we’re really impressed by the safety protocols that our cruise partners have put in place. While there have been breakthrough cases, with fully vaccinated crew and passengers, and testing and contact tracing on board, the disruption really hasn’t been significant, and the breakthrough cases have been mild, or even asymptomatic.

And our business has actually grown quite a lot during 2021. Heather and Michelle joined our team of rockstar travel advisors. We made some great new partnerships with suppliers that have joined our preferred network. and we became affiliated with the Virtuoso Network — joining the top tier of luxury and experiential travel agencies. We’re definitely swimming with the big fish, now, even though we’re still a small, independent agency.

So what’s up for 2022? Lots! We’ve got some really exciting announcements to make in the new year, so keep an eye on our website! And, of course, if you’re looking to plan a trip, we’d love to talk to you about it.

Want to take an incredible trip? Huckleberry Travel can put together the trip of a lifetime that includes tons of unique experiences you might otherwise miss.  Contact us for more information about our travel consultation services.