Thomas Carpenter

the right time to visit antarctica

Thomas Carpenter
the right time to visit antarctica

When people find out that we’ve been to Antarctica, they’re flabbergasted. Some people didn’t realize that it was even possible to visit the great frozen continent! But one of the questions that comes up is — when is the best time to visit Antarctica?

Well, it depends on what you want to do. But here’s a guide to some of the best times for different activities.



Springtime. This is the start of the cruising season for Antarctica. The days are getting longer and sunsets are picturesque. There are few ships. Sea ice is extensive with large icebergs. Our ships are built with strengthened hulls to allow for travel through this beautiful setting. This is your best chance to see breeding elephant seals and chinstrap penguins come ashore to court, mate, and nest.



Solar Eclipse. If there was ever a year to visit in November, it's 2021. A solar eclipse will pass over your ship as it sails the South Orkney Islands. Don't miss this experience. It won't visit these seas again for another 400 years.

In the Falklands, spring flowers will be in full bloom, and a trip to South Georgia could include elephant seals and king penguins. You may also see penguins fighting over nest pebbles while mating continues. Albatross, petrels, and other sea birds are common over the Drake Passage.



Summer begins. The days are long, wildlife is active and penguin chicks are hatching. Humpback whales are arriving and seabirds are courting. The beaches of South Georgia are full of seal pups.



The warmest and longest days continue into January, with penguin colonies are busy with parents going back and forth to feed. In South Georgia, the fur seal pups are gaining independence.



In Antarctica, the penguin chicks are gathering into crèches, and starting to molt into adult plumage. The king penguins in South Georgia are courting and laying eggs. 


Whichever month you decide to visit, one thing is certain, the best time to plan your visit to Antarctica is right now! Our preferred travel partner, Hurtigruten, leads expedition sailings to Antarctica throughout the season, and at the time of posting this, they’re offering up to $4000 off select sailings. Of course, terms and conditions apply, but you should definitely reach out to us now, before these deals disappear.

Want to take an incredible trip? Huckleberry Travel can put together the trip of a lifetime that includes tons of unique experiences you might otherwise miss.  Contact us for more information about our travel consultation services.