Thomas Carpenter

new entry protocols for returning home

Thomas Carpenter
new entry protocols for returning home

Just yesterday, the news broke that the United States will begin requiring negative COVID tests for international passengers arriving by air. That requirement includes American citizens who are returning home.

Until this move, there were many destinations that were open to US visitors, but which required a recent COVID test prior to arrival. In October, for example, you could get tested in the US, get your results delivered to you just before boarding your plane, show it to immigration officials in Croatia and explore Dubrovnik without the crowds. Then, when you wanted to return to the US, you just got on the plane to come home.


Other destinations were even easier to visit. Last month we took a socially-distant trip to Playa Mujeres to investigate how one of our supplier partners had implemented their safety and hygiene protocols. (They did a great job, btw). Mexico didn’t require an advance test prior to arrival, but we had to fill out a questionnaire. On our return, we didn’t need a COVID test to get back into the country, but because we live in New York, we had to quarantine for 2 weeks, which, frankly, didn’t feel all that different from the past 10 months.

But all of that is different, now. And it’s changing on a dime. The new rules were announced yesterday, and they take effect on January 26.


Even though the vaccine for COVID is starting to be distributed, we know that we’ll still be facing shifting protocols in the coming months. And that’s even more reason to use a qualified travel advisor like Huckleberry Travel to handle your travel arrangements.

  • We have up-to-the minute information about testing requirements, departure and return protocols, and quarantine requirements.

  • We’ve done training courses on our preferred suppliers’ safety protocols.

  • We can book you on one of the few airlines that are still blocking middle seats.

  • We’ve got direct relationships with all of our preferred suppliers, to intervene if you need assistance while traveling.

  • We’ve recently added concierge COVID testing services to our portfolio, to make sure that you’re covered and in compliance with the regs.

So, whether it’s an international trip or a simple domestic air and hotel booking—we’ve got the information and resources to ensure that you’re able to make that trip, and to help you travel safely. That internet booking site isn’t going to have a phone conversation with you to troubleshoot your trip. So why aren’t you working with a professional travel advisor that will advocate for you and talk you through all of the options?

Want to take an incredible trip? Huckleberry Travel can put together the trip of a lifetime that includes tons of unique experiences you might otherwise miss.  Contact us for more information about our travel consultation services.