Thomas Carpenter

4 virtual vacations

Thomas Carpenter
4 virtual vacations

While most of us are sitting home, we’re thinking about ways to occupy our attention to keep from going a smidge stir-crazy. Sure, you can catch up on your binge watching, make your way through your stack of unread books, or clean your house from top-to-bottom. But if you’re looking for a way to explore the outside world from the comfort of your socially-distant armchair, here are a couple of things that we’ve been paying attention to, lately.

A Virtual Reality Vacation.

Did you know that with a smart phone, an internet connection and a virtual reality headseat, you can explore the world without leaving your house? Apps like YouTube VR, Jaunt, and Discovery Channel VR, let you experience the whole world through 3D or 360 video. We’ve got one of these sets, and it’s really pretty incredible. You can explore Angkor Wat, Machu PIcchu or Neuschwanstein Castle from your living room. You can dive with sharks or ride a roller coaster. If you can’t leave home right now, an investment in a VR headset could be a way to scratch the travel itch, while still staying safe during the current pandemic.

The National Cowboy Museum Twitter Feed.

Like many attractions, the National Cowboy Museum in Oklahoma City, has closed because of the COVID-19 outbreak, so pretty much the only person going in is the security guy, Tim. Well, the museum decided to put Tim in charge of their social media feed, since he’s the only one working on site, and the results are pretty funny. Especially since Tim doesn’t really understand how social media works.

Check it out.

A Good Travel Book

Okay, here’s the old-school choice. When was the last time that you picked up a really good book and read the whole thing in a few days? Yep. We have the same problem. With an endless stream of social media, countless shows to binge watch, and endless opportunities to just wallow in anxiety, it’s so gosh-darned easy to fall out of the habit of reading. So now, here’s your chance. Find a good list of travel books and see what looks good. Or, if you’re looking for a book that’s smart and funny AND travel-related, why not pick up Less, by Andrew Sean Greer. This Pulizer Prize-winning novel about a failed novelist who travels the world in order to have a mid-life crisis of global proportions made me laugh out loud. Definitely worth a read.


Basic vs. Baller

YouTube stars Alex and Marko Ayling made a name for themselves—literally—when they started referring to themselves as the Vagabrothers. Well, now, these brothers have a show on the Tastemade network that’s definitely worth watching. Called Basic v. Baller, the concept is that the two brothers explore a new desitnation in every episode, but while one brother lives high on the hog, the other brother is seeing the location on a budget best described as “shoestring.” It’s a great concept, and the execution excellent, as well!

So, there you go! Hopefully this will tide you over until we can all get back on the road, ourselves . And once that day arrives, we’ll be ready to help you plan your next adventure, while traveling safely.

Want to take an incredible trip? Huckleberry Travel can put together the trip of a lifetime that includes tons of unique experiences you might otherwise miss.  Contact us for more information about our travel consultation services.