why we're traveling next week

When we tell people that we’re going to Mexico next week, the first question that anyone asks is, “Is it safe?”
First off—know that we’re not going to be traveling to be with a lot of other people. This is not like the debate about Thanksgiving travel, where people are going to be gathering in large groups without masks. We’re going to a resort in Mexico, where our resort is operating at limited capacity, and where the 7-day average of COVID infections is very, very low, and we won’t be hanging out with other people. So, in light of that, is it safe?
Well, that’s not a “yes or no” question. Before answering the question “is it safe to travel right now”, we always consider that different people have different comfort levels with risk. And we know that there are always risks whenever you travel — extreme weather events, geopolitical tensions, civil unrest, not to mention COVID, Zika, Malaria and whatever disease might crop up next. So, knowing that there are always risks out there, what’s a traveler to do?
As travel advisors, we owe a duty of care to our clients. That means disclosing the known risks attached to any trip, and helping our clients access the information and resources to help them decide for themselves whether they’re comfortable traveling in light of what’s out there. And since we’re eating, sleeping, and breathing safety protocols these days, we’re very comfortable that we know what the risks are if we travel, but also the risks associated with staying at home where 1 million people a week are becoming infected.
So first of all we looked at the stats. On November 21, the 7-day average for COVID infections in Quintana Roo (the Mexican state we’re visiting) is 1.3 per 100,000 residents. Compare that to the 7-day average in New York City, where we live, which was 20.4 per 100,000 on the same day.
And, what about getting there?
The DoD and United Airlines did an extensive study about the risks of getting Covid-19 and found that the risk of getting Covid-19 on a fully loaded flight, even if sitting next to the infected passenger is 0.003% as long as you wear a mask. In fact, the air on an airplane is safer than in operating rooms. An IATA study found that during 2020 only 44 airline passengers out of a total of 1.2 billion contracted Covid-19 on a flight. Airline flight crews have a lower incidence of Covid-19 than the general public. So, we think air travel is pretty safe.
And, we’re going to be staying in a resort where we know the safety protocols. It’s a supplier we trust, we’ve done their training course for travel advisors, so that we’re able to credibly speak to our clients about what to expect if they visit these resorts, and we’ve also connected to other travel professionals in our network who’ve been to these resorts, who can verify that the proper safety measures and sanitation protocols are in place.
So, looking at all of that, we made the decision that we’re more than comfortable traveling to Mexico. But that’s our decision based on our comfort level, with all of the information that’s at our disposal.
If you’re feeling like you’d love to travel right now, but you’re not certain that you’re comfortable with the risk, that’s all the more reason to reach out to us. We’ve got access to all of the information to walk you through the considerations that are in play, and we’ve got connections to suppliers who we trust to prioritize your safety.
So if someone does choose to travel based on all the information out there and they decide to go international, let’s say to Bermuda, they will have multiple PCR tests and spend their time on an island that has had just over 200 cases in 8 months. If they don't choose to travel, people are likely going out for groceries, perhaps going to a restaurant, and their kids are playing with other kids or going to school. That means that they might end up being one of the over one million people who got Covid-19 in the U.S. just this past week.
Everyone will make the decision differently, depending on their level of comfort. We absolutely respect that, and we would never try to persuade someone to take a trip that was outside of their comfort zone. But if you’re considering travel and just need more information, that’s where we can absolutely be a useful resource for you. There’s never been a better time to have a travel advisor in your corner, and if you're looking for someone to work with you on an upcoming travel plan—we’re your Huckleberry.

Want to take an incredible trip? Huckleberry Travel can put together the trip of a lifetime that includes tons of unique experiences you might otherwise miss. Contact us for more information about our travel consultation services.