Thomas Carpenter

we're a winner, baby!

Thomas Carpenter
we're a winner, baby!

For the second year in a row, Huckleberry Travel has been designated as a top-producing agency within our network — Uniglobe Travel Center. Of the 600 or so independent travel agencies that are part of the Uniglobe family, only a handful achieve this designation, and while that’s an honor for us — it also benefits our clients!

Uniglobe is what’s known as our “host agency.” Essentially, we combine the volume of our bookings with those of about 600 other businesses to book under the same industry credentials. That helps us leverage that collective volume to get the best pricing for our clients, added amenities when our clients travel, and a strong relationship with supplier partners, in case we need to deal with an issue.

An award like this is important, not just because it tells us that we’re running a successful business, but because it shows our industry partners — cruise lines, tour operators, airlines, hotels and resorts — that we’re a leader in the travel and tourism industry. Those suppliers value our business, and they’re especially focused on making sure that our clients are well-cared for, in order for us to continue to book with us.

Of course, travel is still more complicated than ever, and it still happens that things can go wrong. But we’ve got a better chance to troubleshoot and problem solve because of our position in the industry when something does happen. And we’re definitely able to deliver exceptional travel experience for our clients, through our industry partners.

Want to take an incredible trip? Huckleberry Travel can put together the trip of a lifetime that includes tons of unique experiences you might otherwise miss.  Contact us for more information about our travel consultation services.