Thomas Carpenter

dates. destination. budget.

Thomas Carpenter
dates. destination. budget.

Now that the travel floodgates are open, we’re busier than ever. And many of our inquiries from new clients are from people who’ve never worked with a travel advisor before.

We’re happy to talk you through how we work with our clients. We’d love to explain how we can find value by leveraging our relationships with our supplier partners, and how we can take care of you before, during, and after your trip. You’re not going to pay more if you work through a travel advisor — it’s virtually impossible that our fee isn’t offset by the added value and time savings that you’d get by working with us.

But here’s the thing that perplexes us when clients reach out — we ask some basic questions about the trip, and it seems that so often, our clients haven’t given much thought to the specifics of what they need.

We’re happy to chat with you about any trip you might want to book, but in order for us to give you a quote, here’s the “hierarchy of needs” (™Maslow) for the information that will help us help you:

  1. Where do you want to go?

  2. Who is going on the trip (and how many, total)?

  3. When are you able to travel?

  4. What’s the bedding/rooming configuration?

  5. What’s the budget for the trip.

And then, we’ll probably have a bunch of questions to drill down on what it is that’s really going to work for your trip, but if you’re able to think through those first five questions, that’ll really help us zero in on something that will work for you.

Want to talk about an upcoming trip? We’d love that. Shoot us a note!

Want to take an incredible trip? Huckleberry Travel can put together the trip of a lifetime that includes tons of unique experiences you might otherwise miss.  Contact us for more information about our travel consultation services.