national travel advisor day happy hour!

national travel advisor day happy hour!

If you’ve been following us on social media—specifically Instagram—you know that we’re doing a slow build to Wednesday, which just so happens to be “National Travel Advisors Day.”

Before you accuse us of celebrating a fake holiday, let me just tell you that we intend to celebrate the traditional way. We’ll be setting up our Travel Advisor Tree, and we’ll all go to bed early because while we’re sleeping, the Tourism Fairy will sneak in through an open window and hide presents for us. Then, we’ll all go search for hard-boiled eggs that have been painted with airline logos and hidden in the back yard. And, the whole thing culminates with a big fireworks display, which we attend in costume, begging for candy from strangers along the way. Afterward, we sit down to a big turkey dinner and we all give thanks for the trips we’ve taken this year.

So, as you can see, National Travel Advisor Day is pretty much the best holiday ever—which is why we’d love it if you could celebrate with us!

Jokes aside, on Wednesday at 6 p.m. Eastern/3 Pacific, we’ll be hosting a Virtual Happy Hour in honor of the day, and we’ll be chatting about the state of travel these days, recent developments in the world of travel, and just to check in on each other. And, our good friend Carolyn Manning from Discova will be on hand to tell us about some of the exciting travel experiences that are on the horizon in Asia for later this year and into 2021.

But, mostly, it’s just an informal check-in during a time when we’re all staying home, to think about the fun possibilities for the future of travel. So, by all means—join us! If you’d like info on how to log-in to join us, just click here, and we’ll send you info about how to join in!

And, of course, if you have any questions, or if you’re ready to start planning your next grand adventure, just let us know!

Want to take an incredible trip? Huckleberry Travel can put together the trip of a lifetime that includes tons of unique experiences you might otherwise miss.  Contact us for more information about our travel consultation services.