Thomas Carpenter

3 binge watches to inspire travel

Thomas Carpenter
3 binge watches to inspire travel

Yeah, we’re still stuck at home. Oh, well. We know this isn’t going to last forever, but for those of us who work in the travel industry, we’re itchier than ever to get on the other side of this so that we can start traveling again. We’ve been connecting with our friends and family via Zoom happy hours and Facetime calls, so we’ve heard a lot about how people are occupying their time at home—cooking, baking, cleaning, and, of course, binge-watching entire seasons of television.

So, if you’ve burned through a lot of what’s on your “need to watch that” list, and if you’re looking for inspiration for future travel, here are a few things that you might put into your queue.


I’m sad to say that this sprawling, epic adventure thriller with a sci-fi twist didn’t last longer because it was really, really good. The first season featured an international ensemble cast playing 8 individuals in far-flung locales, who come to realize that they are sensates—people who are mentally and emotionally linked to each other. It’s one of the most beautifully-photographed shows I’ve ever seen, shot in Kenya, Iceland, Mexico, South Korea, and India, among other places. Not to mention that the twists and turns of the plot will keep you on the edge of your seat.

The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency

"I am just a tiny person in Africa, but there is a place for me, and for everybody, to sit down on this earth and touch it and call it their own.” 

Africa is such an incredible continent, and there’s not enough television out there that explores its vibrancy. This show is an exception. We’ve long been fans of Botswana because of the opportunities to explore so many different types of safari experiences. But if you’re looking for some fun insight into the people and culture of Botswana, this show will definitely inspire you to visit. Botswana is probably the most stable democracy in Africa, and it’s consistently at the top of our recommendations of places to visit.


Before the Coronavirus outbreak, we’d already identified Scotland as one of our top destinations for 2020, and a lot of the interest in that destination is absolutely tied to the immense popularity of this show. Outlander is a time-traveling, bodice-ripping, romance and the gorgeous scenery of the Scottish highlands will certainly pique your interest in visiting Scotland. Give it a whirl!

So, what say you? Looking for something new to watch? How about a show that will inspire you to travel? And, even though you might not be able to take that trip right now, there’s nothing stopping you from making a plan for the future. Just drop us a line, and we’d be happy to help!

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