the loudest bird calls on earth in brazil

the loudest bird calls on earth in brazil

We’re continuing our list of itineraries inspired by the 12 Days of Christmas where we’ll answer the musical question, “Where can you find the loudest birds on the planet?”

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…

…four calling birds.

Now, personally, I don’t know why anyone would want to subject themselves to the sound of extremely loud birds. But in case you’re extremely curious about that, or you’re just a glutton for deafening bird calls, we’ve got the answer for you.

The loudest bird in the world is the White Bellbird, which can be heard (boy, oh, boy, can it be heard) in the northern reaches of the Amazon rainforest. Interestingly enough, the Screaming Piha, which was thought to be the loudest bird on earth (until researchers disabused us of the idea), is also located in the Amazon. We’re not sure where the third and fourth most annoyingly loud bird sounds can be found, but, really, aren’t 1 and 2 enough?

But don’t let crushingly loud bird calls deter you from the idea of visiting the Amazon. It’s a stunning destination, and we can craft an itinerary for you that would visit the the greatest river archipelago in the world. The Estação Ecológica de Anavilhanas contains about 400 islands which extend for over 56 miles of untouched native forest. It is a veritable maze of lakes, rivers, and riverbanks, which are the home to a very rich plant and animal life. Including some really, really loud birds.


If you’d like to go, we’d suggest staying at the Anavilhanas Jungle Lodge, which offers exciting activities such as: canoeing in dug-out canoes, birdwatching, jungle walks, piranha fishing, (screaming birds and man-eating fish in one trip!), exploring the many islands and observing their unique ecosystems, a visit to the Amazonian pink river dolphins in Novo Airão, nocturnal sightseeing at Anavilhanas Archipelago, hiking through the forest with local guides, caiman spotting and visiting isolated local communities.


Now, we can’t guarantee that you’ll see or hear one of the world’s loudest birds, but really, is that such a bad thing to miss? Still, a three-night package to the lodge contains a series of excursions and activities that can really help you understand and experience the wilderness safely and comfortably, without interfering with the wildlife and preserving the natural ecosystem. It can easily be combined with other destinations in Brazil, whether you’re looking for beaches in Rio, or the artist colony of Embu, just outside of São Paolo.

So, what are you waiting for. Pack your earplugs and give us a call! We promise to speak to you in a reasonable volume over the phone. Or, you can just reach out to us through our website by clicking below.

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