it's small business saturday!

Black Friday. Small Business Saturday. Cyber Monday. Giving Tuesday.
This year, it seems that the sales and promotions are still out there, but they’re a little bit different. We haven’t seen reports (and complaints) about big-box retailers opening their doors before you’ve even had time to finish your slice of pumpkin pie. No news stories about “doorbusters” this year. No tragedies of people being trampled trying to get a great deal on a flat-screen TV. Nope. This year, it seems that the best deals are being offered online.
For those of us in the travel industry, that’s nothing new. Our suppliers have always made their best values available to our clients without ever having to set foot in a store. But there is something that’s new for us this year—specifically, the significance of the savings that are being offered.
Worldwide travel stopped in March, and for the past 10 months, we’ve been waiting for it to return. As a result, our suppliers are trying to encourage people to make plans to travel in 2021 and beyond by offering some of the most significant savings we’ve ever seen.
If you’re thinking about booking a safari, a beach vacation, an expedition, ocean or river cruise, a luxury rail trip, or a bucket-list adventure—there’s no better time to lock in the savings than right now. We’ve seen estimates that say that 70% of all Americans will be vaccinated by May 2021, so we’re cautiously optimistic that travel will return next year. And most of our supplier partners have put very flexible and generous cancellation policies in place for folks who are ready to make plans right now.
And, of course, if you want to give someone the gift of travel, but you’re not sure where they'll want to go, you can always give your clients a Huckleberry Travel Gift Card. The cards are redeemable for our professional services retainer, and they’re easy to send electronically, through the mail, or to wrap up and place under your tree or next to your fireplace.
So, if you’re ready to start planning—get in touch with us so that we can match you up with an incredible promotion from a supplier that we know and trust to be a reliable partner for fun, safe and worry-free travel.

Want to take an incredible trip? Huckleberry Travel can put together the trip of a lifetime that includes tons of unique experiences you might otherwise miss. Contact us for more information about our travel consultation services.